The Palladio Awards / Raphael Awards

There are presently no open calls for submissions.

The Palladio Awards Program honors outstanding achievement in traditional design. The program recognizes both individual designers and design teams whose work enhances the beauty and humane qualities of the built environment through creative interpretation or adaptation of design principles developed through 2,500 years of the Western architectural tradition. The Palladio Awards are the first and only national award for projects  that show excellence in traditional design. Entry Guidelines

The Raphael Awards recognizes the best in traditional architectural drawing and painting. The Raphael Award, named in honor of Raffaello Sanzio da Urbina (1483-1520), a leading painter of the Italian Renaissance who was a renowned draftsman as well. The award seeks to encourage the study of Classical and Neoclassical architecture through the practice of drawing by hand. 

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The Palladio Awards / Raphael Awards